Monday, December 7, 2009

Snow, Snow, Snow!

It snowed this past weekend and my people learned how much I LOVE SNOW! I've spent the weekend playing in the snow, playing hide and seek, catch with snowballs and racing around and having fun. Yesterday, we went for a walk in the woods, it was great to go exploring through the woods and snow. In the summer, I would get tired really quickly and want to go into the house to rest. Now, I want to spend the entire day outside. I've grown a heavy winter coat and I can't wait for the next snow storm!

Monday, November 30, 2009

Thanksgiving Weekend

It has been a few months since my last post. My person has been busy at work, which doesn't leave a lot of spare time for blogging. But we have been going for a lot walks which is great fun and provides needed exercise. Since I was adopted last April, I have doubled in size and I now over 80 pounds! Even though I started out underweight, I could stand to slim down now. This past week was Thanksgiving and I got to go on lots of walks. One of my favorite ones was around the town of Montclair. Here I am with Steve in front of the local bookshop.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Visit to Mills Reservation

Saturday afternoon, I had another expedition out. This time we went to Mills Reservation. This is a really pretty place with lots of hiking trails and trees. It is also a place where I was able to meet lots of other dogs and people. We took a long hike to Quarry Point. We hiked for about an hour and then I got really tired so we went back home. Here you can see a photos of me with Steve and Teresa. Steve has his own blog, Now Without Hesitation. You won't see any cute pictures of me but you will get to read some interesting posts about South Africa and the law.

This has been an exhausting weekend. In addition to my usual routine of walks, I've had these great expeditions out on Saturday. Today, I also made a trip to Brookdale Park. We walked around a bit but did not visit the dog park, I don't think I'm ready for that yet. On the way back from the park, I got really tired again, and Steve had to come and pick me up and give me a ride home. I plan to nap the rest of the afternoon so I have plenty of energy for new adventures tomorrow!

Is that an Airedale?

Yesterday was a beautiful Saturday and I went for a long walk in Montclair from the Watchung Ave train station to the Walnut Street train station where the Farmer's Market is held every Saturday during the summer and fall.  Along the way, we got to stop and meet lots of new people and dogs.  Everyone seemed to want to ask, "is that an Airedale?!?  So many people were happy to meet me and were amazed at how calm and friendly I was.  Part of the reason that I was so calm was that I was exhausted.  I'm really out of shape since I've been spending many of my days lounging around and taking it easy.  The walk was a lot of fun and good exercise and I love to meet new people and dogs!  However, I couldn't make it home without stopping to take a rest and eventually I had to get a ride home.  Here is a picture of me while we visited the farmer's market and then resting once I got back home.  Later in the day, we went for another long walk, more about that later....

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

When do I Get to Go on Vacation?

I've been pretty quiet these past few weeks because my person has been on vacation (paws are not very convenient for typing).  My person went to South Africa for two weeks.  She reports that there were lots of animals to see (even penguins) but none as cute as me!

Here I look pretty disgusted with being left behind but I am much happier now that she has returned.  I've been promised lots of expeditions out for this coming weekend.  I'll keep you posted.  Meanwhile, here is a picture of one of those penguins.....

Thursday, July 9, 2009

My New Favorite Toy

I'm so excited, this past week, I got a tennis ball and it is my new favorite toy! I have lots of fun chasing it around the house and the yard. When no one wants to play ball with me, I can make it bounce and chase after it on my own. However, it is a lot more fun when I have someone who can throw it for me.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

What I've Been Doing

It has been a few months since my first and last post.  These have been busy times as I settle into my new home.  I have lots of fun playing with people and dogs and I've been keeping busy traveling around central and northern New Jersey.  In my travels, I've visited the farmer's market at Rutgers and the one in Montclair.  The shoppers and vendors are really friendly in both places!  

I've been attending obedience school at St.Huberts in Madison.  I've learned sit, stay, here and down.  I've also been to the groomer where I got a new summer hair cut.  Above are some new photos of me, before and after the haircut and playing with my favorite squeaky toy.  I hope to post more news and photos soon.

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

More About Me

Welcome everyone! My name is Tess and I am an Airedale Terrier. My family adopted me from a local shelter in April 2009. The shelter didn't have much history on me and I'm not talking. Nevertheless, my people have been able to figure out that I am about 2 years old. I was very skinny when I left the shelter but I now weigh 59 pounds and I am gaining weight everyday. I am tall for an Airedale and my terrier experienced family is amazed at how lovely and gentle I am. For those of you who knew Tucker the Welsh Terrier, I am three time bigger than him and much friendlier. I like to say hello by giving everyone a big hug! I also like to race around my fenced-in yard and to go for long walks. My second weekend with my new family, I got to visit Branch Brook Park in Newark. Most of the cherry blossoms had faded but it was a great day to play. Here I am cooling off in the shade.

Be sure to visit often to see what new adventures I am up to. You can also find me on Facebook.