Sunday, August 9, 2009

Is that an Airedale?

Yesterday was a beautiful Saturday and I went for a long walk in Montclair from the Watchung Ave train station to the Walnut Street train station where the Farmer's Market is held every Saturday during the summer and fall.  Along the way, we got to stop and meet lots of new people and dogs.  Everyone seemed to want to ask, "is that an Airedale?!?  So many people were happy to meet me and were amazed at how calm and friendly I was.  Part of the reason that I was so calm was that I was exhausted.  I'm really out of shape since I've been spending many of my days lounging around and taking it easy.  The walk was a lot of fun and good exercise and I love to meet new people and dogs!  However, I couldn't make it home without stopping to take a rest and eventually I had to get a ride home.  Here is a picture of me while we visited the farmer's market and then resting once I got back home.  Later in the day, we went for another long walk, more about that later....

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